
Monthly Schedule – some groups are dark during the summer

1st Monday Great Decisions Evening (near full)
2nd Friday Bridge Group – Currently Canceled due to COVID-19
2nd Monday Great Decisions Afternoon
2nd Saturday General Meetings – August – May (except November)
3rd Wednesday Applebee’s Fundraiser
3rd Saturday Book Club Afternoon
5th Saturday  (SE IBC) Southeast Inter-Branch Council Meetings
  • January                       Celebrating Women in Math and Science Conference
  • March                         Women’s History Month Celebration
  • April                            High Desert Arts and Literary Festival (on hiatus)
  • July                              Tech Trek Camp (virtual in 2021)

Committees Members participate on various committees in support of planning and fundraising for our scholarship programs and community outreach efforts.   Our Committees are the glue that keep our branch functioning and active. Committees include:  Fundraising, High Desert Arts and Literary Festival, CWIMS (Celebrating Women in Math and Science Conference), Hospitality, Membership, Memorial Scholarship, Tech Trek, and Website/Social Media.

Interest Groups offer members a chance to network with other members, make new friends, stay in touch with old friends, gain new knowledge, sharpen acquired skills, or just enjoy a pleasurable time together. Open to all members, the groups invite occasional or regular participation.

Bridge Club Members interested in playing bridge meet on the second Friday of each month at each other’s homes. Members are invited to join. Each player pays two dollars and a majority of the money goes to our Memorial Scholarship Fund. Contact Jane Pace

Book Club Our book club is just a little different. We don’t read an assigned book and then discuss it. We read what we want and then tell the club members about it and make a recommendation. All the books are put on a table and each person present can take one to read. This group meets on the third Saturday each month at one of the member’s homes at 2:00 p.m. Contact Cheryl Thompson

Great Decisions Each member is asked to read a chapter of the Great Discussions book, published by the Foreign Policy Association, about a situation of world importance.  The moderated group meets to discuss the pros, cons, issues, and the importance of the topic after watching a brief video. Each participant is encouraged to bring other sources of information. Everyone speaks in turn, no one is “wrong” and all opinions are respected.

  •             First Monday Evening (near FULL) Contact Anita Anderson
  •             Second Monday Afternoon Contact Jan Cook
  •             Evening Session—Consider starting another group
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